Object Oriented Programming.
Python is Object Oriented Programming:
Overview of object Oriented Programming:Class
Classes are defined by the users. The class provide basic strucuture for an object , it consists of data memebers and method member that are used byinstance (object) of the class.
Data member:
A variable define in either a class or an object, it holds the data associated with the class or object.
Instance Variable:
A variable that is define in a method. Its scope is within the object that defien its.
Class Variable:
A variable that is define in the class and can be used by all the instance of that class.
A object is instance of a class.
Methods are the function that are define in the definition of the class and used by various instance of the class.
Function Overloading:
A function define more than one time with different behaviour is known as Function overloading. The operation performed by these functions are different.
A class A that can use the characteristics of another class B is said to be derived class that i.e class inherited from B . This process is known as Inheritance.
Encapsulation is an important features in Object oriented programming . The wrapping of data and function in single unit is called data Encapsulation. This method is also called data hiding.
Poly means many therefore the term Ploymorphism mean that object of the class can have many different form to respond in diffrent ways for any message of action.
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